Member-only story
Understanding the Facebook Scam
Late in September 2018 Facebook released information that around 50 Million accounts had been hacked in a major security breach.
According to Facebook it was a no big deal, nothing to see here kind of event. Around 90 Million users were logged out of their accounts and had to log back in. Did any major dramas occur as a result? Facebook says… Ah.. dunno. If you want to read more about this you can here.
I noticed when I went to log back into my account there was a new profile option on my mobile device that I hadn’t seen before. I deleted it and continued on my merry way.
Then, just this week I started to receive messages in Messenger to the tune of this… “Hi… I actually got another friend request from you yesterday…”
I checked in with a reliable source to find out if a duplicate request had in fact been received from me, it had.
In response to this I searched for my name in Facebook, scrolled through the fifty or so duplicate names, fought back the crushing feeling of being ‘just another Kerry Grace in a sea of many’ and found a profile with duplicate friends. Sure enough, this profile had copied bits of my profile and even some posts. This cloned profile didn’t appear funnier, wittier nor smarter than I, however in the name of maintaining my own identity (god knows how difficult that…